Here is the view from our bedroom.,it is our loft, this is the library, is now being converted into Jims office, It used to hold my gramdma stuff, teaching stuff, extra stuff, gifts.

this is one end up in the loft.. These are my parents chairs and a thrifted chest. This will be Jims office as soon as he can downsize his stuff. I have worked so hard going up and down the stairs that I got pantar fascitis in my right ( operated) leg. UGH. But, I have really downsized, more that 50%. This is to help the kids when I pass and help me finish my personal history and help Jim. The big plan is preparing for the future, if we ever need someone to stay in the basement.

here is the other side of the loft and the stugg I still need to go through. the light on the right side comes from the kitchen.

and here arre my organized files!! woohoo. now my office is the sunroom

view of my morning walk in Lindon,

we took Lenore to the temple fo her 87th birthday. It was a miracle that it all worked out. SHe had canceled,saying she didnt feel good and the nshe shows up at our driveway just as we were pulling out, We loved our time together and Lenore remembered her father and his service, It was a very special afrternoon.

still winter here, This is Provo City temple which we love attending also,,, waiting for the Lindon temple to be finished.

Kallie performed in Mary Poppins at the Covey city, right next to the Provo City temple

During this month we are saddened by the passing of our cousin Ralph Morrison. Here are some of the cousins who attended the funeral and supported Dian.
As a reminder for me to keep cleaning and getting ruid of stuff. We never know when our time will be. We continue to serve in BYU PATHWAY WORLDWIDE Nigeria, with only 2 weeks left. It is a sad but happy time as we have continued to serve since being called right after ending our Phladelphia family history mission in 2016. We look forward to new ways to serve