Sunday, February 9, 2025

clean up, catch up, finish up

Here is the view from our bedroom.,it is our loft, this is the library, is now being converted into Jims office, It used to hold my gramdma stuff, teaching stuff, extra stuff, gifts. 

this is one end up in the loft.. These are my parents chairs and a thrifted chest. This will be Jims office as soon as he can downsize his stuff. I have worked so hard going up and down the stairs that I got pantar fascitis in my right ( operated) leg. UGH. But, I have really downsized, more that 50%. This is to help the kids when I pass and help me finish my personal history and help Jim. The big plan is preparing for the future, if we ever need someone to stay in the basement.

here is the other side of the loft and the stugg I still need to go through. the light on the right side comes from the kitchen.

and here arre my organized files!! woohoo. now my office is the sunroom

view of my morning walk in Lindon, 

we took Lenore to the temple fo her 87th birthday. It was a miracle that it all worked out. SHe had canceled,saying she didnt feel good and the nshe shows up at our driveway just as we were pulling out, We loved our time together and Lenore remembered her father and his service, It was a very special afrternoon.

still winter here, This is Provo City temple which we love attending also,,, waiting for the Lindon temple to be finished.

Kallie performed in Mary Poppins at the Covey city, right next to the Provo City temple

During this month we are saddened by the passing of our cousin Ralph Morrison. Here are some of the cousins who attended the funeral and supported Dian. 
As a reminder for me to keep cleaning and getting ruid of stuff. We never know when our time will be. We continue to serve in BYU PATHWAY WORLDWIDE Nigeria, with only 2 weeks left. It is a sad but happy time as we have continued to serve since being called right after ending our Phladelphia family history mission in 2016. We look forward to new ways to serve


Friday, January 17, 2025

FLorida in January

As told by Jims brother Tim, this is a must do shot when  coming to Orlando, here we are at Disney Spring, a very fun out door mall, We celebrated Ritas birthday. She really saved the day by making a phone call on Jims phone at just the right time that our lyft driver was in her car wonderinf what to do with an extra cell phone!! so we got Jims cell phone back  and had a great tine sharing family fun and food

REALLY exciting for me was having our oldest grandson from Derek be our Disney trip guide AND see him run 48 miles in the 5k, 10k,, 1/2 and full marathon all around the park. One event each day, llwhich Derek ,Missy and Jake all completed, AND they got to see the park while doing it!!
here we are getting ready for the roller coaster ride, which both JIm and I felt more veritgo after, Jim even got a bag to get sick in after, But it did have Chris Prat and the cute raccon. We wont be doing that one ever again !!

Epcot.. England, LOVED

here is our fav ride, I took my walker for safety and to get in lines faster! and carry all our coats and food. It turned out to be a little cold in the mornings which made it great for the runners

Animal Kingdon! so now I dont have to go to Africa!

Missy and Layla

Izaak and his green buddie

enjoying the sun

now we dont need to go to Asia either

of course we loved Europe where Jim served his mission

AND FRANCE and the food. We had a great time


Monday, January 6, 2025


We are looking forward to a new year, a fresh start, a healthy additude in mind, body and spirit AND we pray for you our  family and friends also get off to a great new year.

this is our ANNUAL CHRISTmas card which took some qucik moving to finally get it off. The photo was a selfie at Val's and it was the one that Jim liked the best, The poem starting with Dashing through the year came to my mind while trying to get myself back to walking  and certainly not dashing. I entered the holiday season without alot of hope but as each day came more and more tiny little miracles happened. We got to see A Christmas  Carol when Layla nd Missy could not go as she was recoperating from her surgery. ANd then the hockey game worked out as everyone had a fun friend to share it with. We had delicous food at Larkins, and so much more yumm food that now we need to focus more no protein ans less about treats

Here we are celebrating with Jan and Jaron and 3 of our 4 great grands!! woohoo!

more yummy food and family

here is lour youngest great, Margot, Seths little girl

Karina and Dan and family CHristmas card

Shelley and Heber minus Elder Anderson

At the :Utah Hockey game

The OREM  temple

Celebrating with Nikki and Darlys family mius Elder Anderson and Emma who is off tho college

And ringing in the NEW YEAR with Dave and Carol.  We had  great holiday fun with our friends and family, We pray that we can contiue to heal in all our many needed ways 


Saturday, December 7, 2024

Thanksgiving Gathering

we gather together to give thanks for the many blessings of the year. We got to travel and be healthy, most of the time. Valeries preschool closed for the week for precautions of illness spreading but we took advantage of the time to serve in other ways. 

Men at work

kids playing in first snow

clowning around

going to serve in downtown Detroit

enjoying adult yummy food

no fear, we had plenty of help

me and Kade

Eriks birthday party

Jims favorite thing,, serving

we all, mostly dresse warm, helping at the Light the World 

still sporting the walker , just for protection

joy of being together!!!I just love the spirit in the Mercado home .We love being there. Thanksgiving over and celebrating the birth of Jesus. I especially loved helping the new missionaries who have taken on the opportunity to learn French while on their mission , to work with Friends from French speaking areas who have come to America, (Haiti and Africians, sorry not from France) But, it was thrilling to find the french words and the spirit of missionary work yet again. 


Thursday, November 21, 2024

Victoria BYU I DANCE

what a great way to spend my first get away in 4 months. !!! Driving for the first time using my right leg to the airport ,I picked up Val and we droe to Rexburg Idaho, about 3 1/2 hours but with all the stops for stretching, it took a little longer

one of my favorit dances was, of course, VIctorias fun number using s mash up of MJ songs, including the oon walk. We couldnt take photos so I was lucky to get this one that was taken earlier. We got to see the show twice and I loved getting to see each one, The choregraohy was varied and ighilighed many different styles but of course my favs were the one Victorita was in. She lights up the statge.

this one was one of her tapjazz numbers

the two V"S

us as the ELiza R Snow building

fB funning

my first hike in 4 months

the start. WHich for me her star shown the brighest when we went to get her temple clothes in preparation for going to the temple. WHat great joy ! I loved my two nights and three days with these two V's  very very vun