So what are the traditions for Easter celebrated here?
We learned in our French class that this year is about the latest in the season that Easter can be. It is a combination of the spring equinox and the full Moon following after it. We had a magnificent full moon here last week. On Easter Sunday the church bells ring and ring and as they ring, as tradition has it, they ring and throw out candy, which of course here is chocolate. We hope to see everyone dressed in their Easter bonnets and finery, but alas, our French YSA Pres. says, <REALLYZ?> But, lasr night at the Centre in downtown Geneva the bells rang and rang, so I wonder what will happen today, Friday, the day that we ponder the crucification? To continue, today we saw in our drive, three beautiful churches and only five ( one older man, two older women, and two middle aged women headed into church), maybe they have several <Wards>. and they meet the same time we do! Maybe they wonder why we, who are missionaries, arent in church today! As we prepare 3 separate lessons today ( temple prep, primary and gospel doctrine) we are lucky to review the blessings of Jesus> life on Earth, His miracles, faith, and the opportunity for making our homes more Christ-like ( like the Temples)
Love, blessings to all family and friends and Bisous, MOM,< Jim. Soeur and Elder C.