Our visit to Canton Michigan with Val and Jason, Victoria, Karissa, Austin and Erik during Christmas 2016
At our first Family Home Evening for 2017 we set goals. One of mine is to get this blog going again.

Here we are with the grandkitties enjoying their new kitten Luke. Each of the kids have their individual strengths. We loved playing Cover your Assets with Austin, Erik loves his cars, Karisaa tried out for a play and got the flying monkey part. I loved seeing her cheers and cartwheels. Victoria is great at her dancing, she has beautiful arms and her lyrical moves are divine. We helped get her bedroom ready for an update with new paint and furnished. Jim, as usual worked hard finishing the guest bedroom floor with Jason,

For me, seeing Valerie at her teaching at Red Bell was the best, she let me teach her 3 year olds yoga/dance and surprisingly, they followed me! It made me feel like I still got it.

We got to celebrate Karissas 10 birthday, It was well planned. We all got to go to the local Radio station and learn how it worked and Karissa got to be on the radio.
So, All and all it was a great way to ring in the New Year and set goals for 2017. As always I love being with Valerie and her family. THANKS for the great memories.