Sunday, September 10, 2017

end of a great summer and start of a new school year

 I have always loved school. I love the time of year with color and weather changing. That is one reason why going to visit family with rain is enjoyable for me. We spent our last official holiday, Labor day, in Michigan. The kids and mom are all excited to start the new school year, that makes four different school in the Mercado family. Karina and  6 of hers started school in Aug with 6 different schools, including Karina continuing with her nursing education.
And Jim and I have started another year serving with the Pathwayconnect mission as part of BYU Pathway Worldwide. The name has changed several times, but it continues to be the very affordable online education program associated with BYU I . We meet with our students once a week and help them with their classes. Each semester they have an Institute class and either Life skills, English or Math. I do the homework right along side of them.