One fun memory during elementary school, we missed many days of school because of a winter storm. We had 10 feet snow drifts , no electricity, but much fun camping out like pioneers and building ice castles, sledding, ice skating, and trying to figure out how to cook meals and keep warm. I loved every minute especially because I had a warm coat.
When I became more interested in style I remember getting my camels hair coast with fur on the collar. One year I got a white coat with green trim, it was the latest craze, My senior year I got my first ski parka, a baby blue white stag. When I went to college in Provo, again it was necessary to have the perfect coat, As anyone remembers, most of the time our friends only saw us walking across campus in our coat. Mine was a soft green coat with soft leather capizio shoes, I soon learned that I needed something warmer. Next I got my Dr, Zhivago, a long black coat with a thick belt and wide collar. Yes, I can remember all my coats. But, then I moved to California and really didnt need a warm coat.
Since serving missions in Switzerland and Philadelphia, I again need to find the perfect coat. Now, living in Utah, I have found that coats are again an important part of my wardrobe. It is most fun searching in consignment stores in better off communities. Last week we went to Aspen Colorado and had a fun time looking for hidden treasures. Jim found a London Fog to replace the one that was stolen at church in Philadelphia. I found many treasures. Now I need to get clean up and give away things I dont want.
When we returned from Aspen, I went down to the food storage room to clean out some of my old winter coats and discovered a leak. Lucky for us ! We had a pipe burst while we were travelling and had to remove and cleanup all of our stored food. Luck for us that I had stored coats in there and felt the need to give the extras away.