A few weeks ago Jim and I took the FrontRunner in to Salt Lake CIty. It was just before conference and we wanted to see the flowers on temple Square . Here I am at my favorite statue with the mom dancing and playing with her children. My favorite memories with my children are playing with them.

My good friend Lorraine and I had a slumber party with Jake and Nattie. The next morning we enjoyed visiting with Karina and preparing for the birthday feast/Easter egg hunt.

we barbecued and ate good food with great fun ad sharing and with the new puppy that Emily got.

Nik and Izaak put the bird feeder up in the tree house.

Nattie and Jake planned a great treasure hunt which ended with the Easter egg hunt. Then we did capture the flag and tug of war.

here we are playing gin rummy

Emily and puppy

Jim and I took a hike up at Vivian Park and ran into a turkey heard. I have never seen turkeys showing off like this/

We celebrated with Mia at her baptism. It was a challenge to get up to their place. We had to pile 4 adults into the back of Shelleys car when we got a flat tire on the way to the baptism. It was the first flat and Jim and Jaron couldnt figure out how to get the jack ect. Lucky for us Heber and Shelley saw us on the very busy I 15 struggling to get it all together. All is well that ends well.

Lorraine is the one that still teaches me many skills, Here she is teaching Nattie how to darn. I am blessed with great friends. Many friends remembered me on my birthday. It means a lot to me. This 71 year is harder than 70. WHY? It seems like the times are getting harder. We are trying to figure out my gene mutation ...MTHFR.. and help those who are dealing with the difficult symtoms that are associated with it. ..like depression, anxiety, stroke, and of course spina bifida and many miscarriages

We continue to serve each other and the family. We swim, walk, hike and hot tub, and read and watch Fox and Hallmark. Jim helps me prepare healthy meals. We end each day in prayer and our testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.