What makes one slow down? Well, it took a lot to stop me this time! But first I want to share so many wonderful events that have recently happened.

The first week of October many of us headed south to ST George for the marathon. Derek, Missy and Dan all finished in pretty good shape. We cheered on the runners in great weather and later enjoyed visiting and listening to conference. The best thing I heard was during Womens Conference and President Nelson announced that there would be a temple in OREM<< IT FELT like Christmas! We feel so blessed to have another temple so close, Now, we are all wondering how far, and if we can walk to it!

we drove down to St George with some of the boys and loved sharing food and great conversation with them.

We loved the sun and warmth and fun times with cousins

Mariah and Nattie bettered their cross country times by several minutes, even though Nat is just starting and Mariah is still battling with her concussion and mono.

So, what happened to my running? well, I finally had to slow way down after I sprained my right ankle this week. I didnt feel too good last weekend but kept pushing myself until I finally tripped on a crab apple, after a 3 mile walk at 6am! Couldnt see and didnt focus as I was talking to my sister.

The pain was enough to keep me down for 5 days. karina had me go in and check to see if it was broken. All I got out of my Dr, Appointment is that I am going to live another 30 years !what! so glad I have some goals to work on. Can't wait for the Orem temple to be built!