Monday, January 20, 2020

when we're helping we are happy

We had the opportunity to help each other this weekend. It started many months ago when Jim felt like we needed new carpet. We only have carpet in the master bedroom and the living room. Well then our daughter in law Jan said that the living room would look better with a lighter color so we decided to paint before the carpet went in. Well, in the mean time Derek and Missy signed up for a marathon in Hawaii and asked for help with the kids. So we timed the new carpet when I stayed at Dereks for 5 days. So here are some of Dereks kids playing together at their place.
Peter and Kallie playing with kitten which was born at Peters home. You can just see the love he has for this kitten.
Nattie , Layla and Jake enjoyed getting caught up with all the teenage stuff that kids like and  cuddling with the kittens.

Nik and Izaak took many hours setting up towns and trains.

Izaak loves trains.
We had great weather after the snow stopped on the first day. I worried about driving the kids to school and their activites but only had to shovel twice the first day. And if you remember anything about me, I love to shovel!. Jake and I got to swim at the club. On Friday night all the kids got to go to a birthday party while I bing watched a show, did my nails and knitted. Dan brought the kids by on Saturday so that we could have some sleep overs. Jim came over after the carpet was done. All and all we learned a lot about each other. We learned that family learns how to get along by some times having to give in, eat something different, taking turns, sharing  and forgiving. We talked about the lessons we learned at Sunday School and I was happy to hear that they could remember the lessons! We did a lot of Disney and got to be entertained by a show on Monday. I was not aloud to take photos during the show!! ugh! I wish I could share all their talent here. Let's just say, the Apples dont fall far from the Tree!!

Sunday, January 12, 2020


 I have been pondering what motivats. For a long time I have had a drive for getting things done, for achieving, growing, setting goals. This year, we are encouraged to set goals in 4 areas- spiritual, social, physical, and intellectual. Follow the criteria in Come Follow Me better, minister better, 72 mile on the bike, one book a week. Those are roughly my goals for the year.
How can I motivate those in my sphere of inflluence?
What moved me to insist on getting baptized in SLC, even though I was living in Levittown, PA.?
Why did I want to make my own clothes? Well, I remeber going shopping with my mom in the 8th grade and there was one of two choices that I could pick for a dress and my mom liked the brownish/yellowish ichey one which I knew I better  pick or I would get nothing.
What about college? No one helped me pick or filled out the forms or took me on a tour of colleges. I picked BYU and the family  drove me there from Pennsylvania and dropped me off at the  Cannon Center and  I never even hugged my Mom!
What kept me motivated to be honest, follow the Honor Code, be moral and clean?
I believe that faith and the spirit of the Holy Ghost are big factors. I am so happy that I chose to listen

Sunday, January 5, 2020

tid bits from the holiday

I'm dreaming of a white christmas...well we did happen to have plenty of snow for all the holidays, My favoirte part is the shoveling! No really! I love being outside in the clean fresh snow, I love the workout and as I have a fear of falling, I want to make sure the drive and walk way are cleaned off.

Jim and Dan found out that they really are related, Here is the artist conception of their relative who crossed the plains.. Sarah Fergason  /
We spent Christmas Eve with the Jaron and Jan And our first great grandson , Augie.
 Tanner and his son Augie
We had great visits with family. We wish that we had more time together.

Charice and her family drove in from Fresno and we enjoyed hot tubbing, games and laughing, And when Charice is in town we  always love our professional massages. She is the best.
The only way to roll into the New Year is spinning with the family. We have enjoyed working out together and getting our sweat on.
The last day of Chtistmas vacation we took some of the family to the snow. Not too cold, with beautiful blue sky. We made snow forts and enjoyed the view.

As I close this blog, I am reminded of those who are sick like  Austin with his hand  being broken and Mariah who just had her surgery. I am reminded of the recent passing of Dan's brother Aaron. I am reminded that many of us are hurting inside from loneliness and depression. It is my prayer to be able to reach out and extend a helping hand and heart to those.