We had the opportunity to help each other this weekend. It started many months ago when Jim felt like we needed new carpet. We only have carpet in the master bedroom and the living room. Well then our daughter in law Jan said that the living room would look better with a lighter color so we decided to paint before the carpet went in. Well, in the mean time Derek and Missy signed up for a marathon in Hawaii and asked for help with the kids. So we timed the new carpet when I stayed at Dereks for 5 days. So here are some of Dereks kids playing together at their place.
Peter and Kallie playing with kitten which was born at Peters home. You can just see the love he has for this kitten.
Nattie , Layla and Jake enjoyed getting caught up with all the teenage stuff that kids like and cuddling with the kittens.
We had great weather after the snow stopped on the first day. I worried about driving the kids to school and their activites but only had to shovel twice the first day. And if you remember anything about me, I love to shovel!. Jake and I got to swim at the club. On Friday night all the kids got to go to a birthday party while I bing watched a show, did my nails and knitted. Dan brought the kids by on Saturday so that we could have some sleep overs. Jim came over after the carpet was done. All and all we learned a lot about each other. We learned that family learns how to get along by some times having to give in, eat something different, taking turns, sharing and forgiving. We talked about the lessons we learned at Sunday School and I was happy to hear that they could remember the lessons! We did a lot of Disney and got to be entertained by a show on Monday. I was not aloud to take photos during the show!! ugh! I wish I could share all their talent here. Let's just say, the Apples dont fall far from the Tree!!