Silver lake hike group, most of which reached the Excalibur sword which included a 7 mile hike with the last part a narrow rock climbing on one side and cliff on the other. Lucky for us,we had Heber Anderson, fire fighter leading the kids and Karina as a nurse. Jim and I only did 5 miles an used Izaak as an excuse to go down first.
We are so glad that Jaron told us about this hike. Emily, Megan and Cade also hiked with us. If you look closely you can see Kallie photo bombing in this shot!We were the first group to hike down after doing the first 5 miles.
Izaak was the youngest in our group and lucky for me, he kept me going, ( even though he did drink all my water!) After the hike I got cramps in my left inner thigh, Erik asked me how much it hurt 1 our of 10, I said 8 the first time and 9 the second. I have been eating bananas every day since!
we also hiked Battle Creek which was only 1 1/2 miles but ended with a wonderful waterfall. Our first hike was Rock canyon, the one near the Provo temple
the first activity of the week was Lagoon
the younger group went swimming with grandma
we picked berries and veggies everyday
we had a car wash and water balloon fight
we played with my kitties
we did yoga
we ate french toast on Sunday morning and pulled pork on July 4th
we had a barbeque at Jaron and Jans
Derek caring for Izaak on the hike
grandmas toys
grandpas inventions
park activities
hot tubs and picnics
we got to go to Kallies dance performance at the Covey
Layla and Karissa got their hair color tipped
hammock times
Missy and layla
goodbye Mercado famil.y. We loved having you come. We miss being with you. Victoria, with her dancing feet and successful selfies, Austin, as the skating wizard, Erik as the puzzle perfectionist, Karissa is a moving artist, Jason is the spicey master chief and my pal Val, keeping the peace and love. We love you ALL.