Sweet sixteen birthday surprise for Victoria

so glad I could share time with all the kids. Karissa and I shared her art and love of style and music. Austin is in middle school now...well not in middle school but doing all the work and he started playing the cello. He still really loves his computer games and soccer. Erik and I did PE most mornings since his "School" started an hour later. He loves to read and loves to challenge grandma in all kinds of fun. Lucky me. I got to go to school every day with Valerie

I just love going and being with these Pre schoolers, I even get to teach yoga while I am there. The owner welcomes my being there so that makes it easy to keep going.( even during this challenging time)

Victorias birthday was a hit, It started out windy and I was worried about so many of the girls being together, But Victoria knew her friends and they all got together and ate and played games and hung out.

what a sweet sixteen memory! she is growing up!

what do I love most about being together> Being together! of course I love Michigan, so many things remind me of my childhood in Pennsylvania, the weather, the town, the people, and the love! I am happy that I can be healthy and afford to travel, especiallly during this time, Take the time to LOVE. and Serve one Another.