Friday, April 23, 2021

Lunds in Texas

now that travel is easing up, we are wanting to bring families together again. This time we missed out on brother Craig Lund who lives in VA. but we did get a great  visit with Terry and Doug and Mark and Phyllis and the boys. 
Doreen Neser feels like family and once she moved to Texas we hoped it would be easy to see each other. With illness and covic we finally got together for too short of a visit, Oh, how I wished we could have stayed longer and longer. She had family coming into town so we made our visit work. 
Jim and Doug kept dads love of ice cream alive

Jared popped in my selfie, he is working at Amazon now.

brillant girls think alike.. We are all in matching!

no  Lund family visit is complet without a little physical competition. Matk keeps his muscles in shape by working hard everyday. Jason out shown all of us with this little rolly thing that works the core, So I called Val to see if she knew what it was and of course she could roll out 20 at a time. while I couldnt even go all the way out once, ( it felt like I might hurt the small of my back, so I tried a few times but not sucessfully) jason rolled out a few times and out did all of us present. Looks like we have another thing to work on until next time. Usually there is more competition but as we are slowing down we are a little less cocky,,,,not!! We are LUNDS and we love to eat and laugh and tell family stories. We had a great time and hope to get  back to see yu'all real soon!


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Megan and Clayton

Our First Chatterley Granddaugher wedding with Megan and Clayton Tanner!!! What a perfect day to celebrate with so many friends and family members to share  the joy of their union on April 8, 2021 in Alpine, Utah. Megan radiated the whole evening! 
Some of the worker bees preping the morning of the wedding but much much more happened months before with flowers and candles and center pieces and colors and even lookiing for the  venue. 

Seth and our second great grand child Wally flew down 

Here are the rest of the Jaron And Jan Chatterley crew at Easter just  a few days before the wedding
Fun fact,,, my youngest  Derek and Jims oldest, Jaron work at Conner group in Lehi,,, anyone that tries to combine families knows how fun it is when we can all share joy and love and celebrate together
We  got an extra fun visit from Clark and his boys on Saturday, We just love getting caught up after our long separation with covid keeping us apart
. We feel happy and hopeful as Utah opens along with the arrival of spring blooms. We pray that all who want the shots can have them and those who are trying to follow the guides of their states and countries will  soon heal, We miss and love our friends and family and send our love and prayers. 


Monday, April 5, 2021

Spring breaks have started


witih this strange year of  zoom school starting and stoppping, on line, in person, covid tests, shortened school days. Wednesdays off, now it is time for Spring break!

we JUST loved having the Mercados drive more than two days on the road to get here and then to pack 4 hikes, rock climping, soccer games,track meet, biking and roller blading, 

, hot tubbing, Easter egg hunting, dancing, kerioking, swimming, yoga,

cooking coooking N MORE COOKING! one continuous slumber party
making jewelry

briing in a new dancer?

my favorite photo along the trail to Devils falls right near Draper temple

wow, we can still smile,, YES! with joy of sharing, being together and caring. We love time together