Sunday, March 27, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
two more Annesy trips
Near Annesy dated 1300, near gorge de fier The Castle Montrottier
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Sunday, March 13, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Annesy with Eliane and Amadou
Tuesday at 9h I was picked up by Eliane and Amadou from Dakar, Senegal. Eliane needed to go back to her Dr. and her friend is the son of the Owner/President of the University in Senegal where she will be teaching painting. So, as you can probably image it was quiet an experience. We drove through Mts. passages through rivers and villas to the base of the French alps. located on a lac. Annecy is a perfect mixture of old and new, saving the beautiful nature, It has been called the French Venice because there are many canals. I didnt have my camera but Amadou took many pics that I hope to get a copy. First we went to a mall and I bought shoes. I asked for 42 and they laughed and said they only had up to 41, We went to alot of stores and I finally found the perfect ones and wore them the rest of the day, only to find out this morning with blisters on both feet that size 41 is 9 1/2 and I wear 10-11. oh well. no new shoes! Our Dakar friend had alot of things he wanted to buy including a car, Eliane told me that his family is very delightful and well healed. Then we did the 2 hour French lunch, I had fish salade, they had pizza and the national French beverage (wine) While Eliane was at the Dr. I window shopped with my new friend, very interesting,... ALL in French!. So I asked Amadou about the city, food, musique, danse, and his famille. He said,<> As if every place in Africa is real close!!! But, I made it and it was educational to hear and talk to someone so delightful.We got lost on the way back and so I never made it to Institute, but it was adventure
Elder Hallstrom and Eldet Teixeira from 70's Europe
we had a feast of great talks with Elder Hallstrom and Elder Teixeira of the area 70 for Europe (I think) Elder Hallstrom told how he being raised in Hawaii has met every Prophet since Geroge Albert Smith who he met at 1 year old and had picture taken with him. He helped Spencer W. Kimbell when he came to Hawaii and became his personal assistant. Elder Hallstrom is a tall, large,nordic looking man, much like my father and we remember Pres. Kimbell as being rather short, After Pres. Kimbell left he re read his biography and always felt so close to him and would to anything for him. Later he pondered how much he had grown to love him and wanted to serve him after he had gotten to know him so well. Later he thought, as he studied the Sauvoir, and pondered that he , too should know HIM AS WELL and serve Him, just the way he had been a personal assistant to the Prophet, he, too, should serve the Lord and know Him, So he started studing the New |Testament more and learning more about Jesus Christ. Elder Teixeira and his wife, I adore, She is Portugese and they served togetehr in San Pao, Brazil. She speaks cute English and spoke of marriage, quoting from the Old testiment about Adam and Eve, LEAVE, CLEAVE AND BECOME ONE, She is a painter and she said as she is making some work form her sons wedding, She spoke of the art and had yellow and blue, two beautiful colors, together, combined become green as one, just as beautful. We had enjoyed the spirit and look forward to more spiritual feasts,
Friday, March 4, 2011
Blog hopefully works
please let us know if you can get this and then how to store it so it doesnt get lost or stolen again love Soeur MomChatterley
No picture, just look for fear in Jim's eyes
We have probably crossed back and forth Swiss and France,almost 1,000 times. We have a sticker on our car that makes it easier to go back and forth, Until, last week, Late at night, returning from the Institute, Jim drove through the duane rather agressively. Out came a large, loud Swiss guard speaking something else besides french. Jim said
everywhere we go,even Yverdon Jim finds the old and new
Dr. cousin Frank and Lenny Hatch come to visit

| show details Feb 14 |
Yes, they celebrate this holiday I dont know how yet but SAINT VALENTINE is, I think, is a Catholic saint and France is very Catholic. We had a bonne weekend with the YSA Bal .Yverdon is a beautiful ville, The swans are so friendly when we frist got to the lac, I was afraid they would bite me, After we went to the main,centre square and apres the old ville which dates to 1411 when the Gauls found hot springs running here, |We didnt go to the springs as we needed to go help at the bal. There were YSA from all over Europe. Saturday we got the visit with Dr. Frank Hatch and Lenny (his wife), Frank is Jim/s cousin and one of my dance teachers from BYU in 1967, He says he remembers me ! HA! that could be good or bad! When he saw me, he said SO, that is how little Patty turned out! Yes, I am big Pat now! He and Lenny live in Germany part of the year and sometimes in Cancun, Their business is in knesthtic movement, focusing on the elderly, ao they practiced on Jim!. Very interesting to me. They came over for Crepes Sunday morning then took the tram back. Oh, one more intersting thing, one friday morning I had my first yoga class with two French girls, one translates for the church (Sarah) and one is Eliane (my amie), and while teaching I was using french language trying to find to find the Sanscrit word in Yoga, my brain got all the French inside and all the Yoga language got all twisted, I know that is not surprising to some of you, but, I think it is kind of cool because I am always answering in French now, thus some of the French words /mixed into this email, mais, but, still typing on a french keyboard, so still beaucoup de miss takes. This week I have 3 comig for yoga, so soon we will need to go to the Eglise (church)
4 baptisms and beautiful finds
This weekend was full to exciting things. First we had our first dance class, which they set up .I taught swing and Lieitia taught cha cha. Seven o clock 3 girls. 7>305 girls,.finally one boy, so we start. The swing is easy, changing partners. Finally we had an equal group and we left five mintues after that because we had a big day on Sat planned with the Seniors. Good news, three non members came to the dance! Then Sat, before light we left fot the International Ballon festible in Chateau-d.oeux. It was a 2 hour drive passed many beautiful vinyards and chateaus. all in Switzerland Chateau de Chillon which was a dungeon, castle Lord Byron written about and Dan put on my computer front). Then Sunday, the best. Thomas Mbede, Cameron, vry smart, Saeed Mahmoud Vnd, Iranian hiding out, Daive Shitsimi, loves the ladies, who was baptised by Joe who I talked about 2 months ago getting baptised, and Yusuf Umar, GREAT day for all. WE are BLESSED.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Final exam night for January Institute classes
Last night all the classes combined to receive the final exam in the Institute which was open book and scripture mastery, all three classes together, with English and french copies. It included application type questions which I cant release hiere because not all have taken it. In fact I was preparing for over thirty (I had baked thirty potatoes for the potatoes bar after the exam) and only 12 took the exam. I was really surprised and asked several people today about it, Not one was suprised, They dont take it as serious here. There are three classes, meeting one on wednesday, two on thursday. Only one of our english students showed.for the exam. But good news we have 4 or more baptism set up on Sunday, They are from Nigeria, Cameron, and Iran. We still have not had any french converted while we are here.. I wonder why. We have changes on our mission bondaries happening this Sunday which dont effect us in a hugh was but will tell you more after Sunday. Tongiht I am teaching Dance,, the swing and cha cha. BON Soiree and Bisous
Downtown Geneva Shopping with Eliane
While Jim was going to the Stake Priesthood meeting Eliane (french neighbor) and I went downtown, As we drove through alot of construction she comment (of course almost all French), Where are all the strawberry fields? I told her about Woodland Hills and how there used to be fields there. We are both love the nature and fields. When we got to Geneva we were looking for
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Talking to the Neighbors
Today, as usual, I awoke early and went down to walk and ended up talkig to two neighbors, One has a dog and knows a little English, The other is from England and is LSD, used to live in Detroit, her Husand is French and looking for work, It is hard every where for work. Alot of YSA are looking and Geneva is a very popular place to want to work, especially for out of towners. .Anyways after Jim got up ( 2 hours after me), we went looking for the public library whiich, of course was closed on tuesdays! ,but we found another thrift store and this own really is a thrift, everyting in it is 2E, a little over 2 dollars, I got a pair of jeans, We only brought missionary clothes, black, brown ,and gravy and now we are bored with no color and the Institute is more lay back. I did not bring Jeans. but, while in the mission home the rules have changed a little and seniors have it easier, but the list said NO JEANS,and now The Seniors are wearing them on P day. We also found a second main sportin good store and Jm bought swim fins, so he can be faster the water. we havent been swimming since before christmas as to my Shingles,but we are getting ready. The mornings are usually spent preparing for the Institute but each morning I go for a marche and try out more french. I talk to all the dogs, cats, and chevals and even they arent quite sure what I am saying. It looks like I need to hit the vocabulary some more. Love to all
Activity at the Institute
I worked hard on getting the Speeding night off on a good foot by talking about virtues, good ideas of dates, and values. I had many virtues on the board and encouraged them to chose two to work on as New years resolutions, to better themselves After all that, they had a good time. I used a cow bell (one of my finds to remind me of all the happy cows here) which I would ring after 3 minutes and a suggestion of a topic, like, what is your favorite... holiday? then rotate. After we came together and talked about .., how eveyone has good qualities We should remember and, record one each day in a journal, Afterwards we had food and music. And all in French!! I am still recooperation from Shingles and the late nights. We are trying to sleep in and even have gone as late as 8>00, but not very often. The people here take two hours for lunch and eat a very late long dinner, not at all the way we are used to. So this week we are doing a service project of repairing hymn books and making scarves for the homeless.. Since I have been sick I have made 7. I feel like my a good way, but when I looked in the mirroir today I looked like her with my hair up and my puffy face, so it is good and bad, Hope all are keeping warm. we are having nice weather here.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
yes, I got the ZONA (shingles)
We have been at a slower pace the last few days, slow enough for me to finish 3 scarves and watch Holiday with Cameron DIaz, If you havent seen itshe is my french friend( I gave her a scarve I made), then today she gave me a box from germany for my jewlery and some local whipped honey. She is amazing because she just keeps on giving all the time. I told her that usually I wear alot of jewelry but \i am a MISSIONARY. (I had prayied about talking to her about the church before I saw her and I talk about family and the Insititute alot ) She is a very giving person and I pray that I can continue to share love to her. LAst night we had an inactive sister come and \i stayed for 4b hours. She was very shy. I taught her how to knit, She kept staying, about Soiree Famille and when |I asked her about her family and she found out that my last name wasd LUND she opened up. She is originally from Sweden and talked and talked after that. Then after FHE is totally opened up and beat up the ELders in ping pong. Pray for Emma
bourg en bresse
Twas la nuit avant Noel
Twas le nuit avant Noel
Et all through la maison
Ne pas les animaux was stirring, not even la souris
Les bas were hung by la cheminee avec care
En espoir que Pierre Noel soon would be la
Les enfants dormant dans les lits
Pendant que les visions des bonbons dansent dans leurs tètes
Et maman in her herchiez et moi avec ma chapeau
Had just settled nos tetes for a long nuit d’hiver
Quand out sur la pelouse les neiges et beaucoup de neige
E t après seulement 8 weeks in France et Switzerland thats about
All we can write in French this annee, but come next Christmas
We promise to get Pierre Noel down back into his sleigh
AND AS WE PONDER our commitment to serving the Young Adults in this beautiful
Part of Europe, we say thanks for your support and Happy Christmas to all and to all
Differencet cultures here
We are leaning so much about so many different cultures, all in one little city. Each ville has a a special uniqueness about them. The different cultures through out Geneva celebrate their traditions from their country. Last night I taught our mongolian sisters knitting and we made gingerbread cookies using the Nauvoo recipe. I personally think the cookies needed more spice, but I'm a spice lover. Today a new couple from Idaho came to serve in Lyon which is about 2 hours away. They wanted us to help train them, but we find out that he served here on his first mission and she knows french , They should be helping us. Jim still struggles with the language, but the problem is not his brain, it is his willinesss to talk to dogs,trees, strangers, children. One day we were speaking English and a little girl kept turning around looking at us and I said ;, we have a secret code, well, of course you know what happened, I started speaking french to her and she answered in England English,that she didnt know that much french. There are alot of private schools her and alot of diplomatic important people here. Tomorrow are the big tranfers for ths mission, just before the holiday, 11 go home and then next week 11 transfers. \i have already meet two that are from france, because, if you havent heard,. it will be more and more difficult to get into Switzerland for missionaries after 2012, We live in France because it is supposed to be cheaper, but we serve in Geneva, If you ever study the map, Geneva is surrounded by france because of some old old rules. When we travel around we go across the border several times a day, always with our passport and have not ever been stopped, but we do have a special sticker on our car., Our friends got stopped and had to go back and try a different road, to get into Geneva. That is a brief update of our mission, we look forward to doing more at the Center for young adults, as we sepend each day here, We have a calendar for the new year with activities each weekend, inlcudeing a snow, luge trip and in two weeks we will have a field trip to the temple about 2 hours away in Bern
Christmas in the Institute
Does this sound good to you? In todays ad for the holidays ..Noel.... <>.. probably you can figuer out alot of what it is and by the picture you can tell that it is green, well, it is a stake of green beans with bacon wrapped around it! But the worst for me is Poire roitie en rope de lard, same thing only they wrap bacon around a pair, like fruit. Hopefull friday \i will learnhow to make their most famous dessert, besides chocoate and that is bouche de Noel, it is a light cake in a spiral, like cinnamon bun only it has all kinds of fillings like rasberry, lemon, nut butter, ect. Yes, I am going to try new things but very slowly They eat alot of duck and rabbit and they keep the face and fur on the meat so yu know what kind a meat yu are getting and you know that it is fresh. The best is all the fish, which of course I already know I like. Today we bought albacore tuna, Big deal!, So tonight we make a noddle with Bolganize sause, let you know how it goes,
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