Wednesday, May 18, 2011

senior trip day 3

Day three up in the Alsace area after a great trip and stay in Kaysersberg we went to Colmar. It is a modern town with a medieval area and great churches. It is also the birth place of Auguste Bartholdi, who made the Statue of Liberty and there is a small one there. Seeing it, I cried, The good old USA< gotta love it,even with all its problems!. After we went to Strabourg, the top 3 cities in Europe and center for the European Council. There is a very magnifique Gothic church Notre Dame. It was our favorite church, be sides of course the Bern Temple, which also brought tears to my eyes!. On our way back we stopped in Mulhouse, just because, one of our senior served there. It is a modern/old, great Gothic artsy feel. We have enjoyed the time away and the time together with others serving the Lord.. We even got to do some Missionary work while traveling, by helping others with photos, (you know me) A large group from Brazil, thought they might know Derek! All over the world, we are in a melting pot and we are cookin!

1 comment:

  1. They look like pictures from my humanitites class! Very, very cool!
