This week we have found our routine of reading of the New Testament for our class and the Book of Mormon for our couple working. We are using BYUtv as a guide and much added info, Each morning there is 1 hour on BYU with professeurs of ancient scripture discussing what we have studied and each day I go ."wow, I didnot see that" or, Wow, so that is what that means" Did I really read that section?" And then I go back and redo. I am still using my hands to communicate( in any language, which is really important when we go to Physiotheraphy for my knee. He has advised swimming and bicycling, and some kind of balance board- all very interesting-- LUCKY ME. So we are trying to keep a balance as we demonstrated in cup stacking and balloon holding ( each object has written something that is important in our lives ) both great ideas for FHE. We cleaned the chapel.. two different ones this week. and I attended Relief Society Homemaking ( in the photo you can see our world wide web of Sisters. And our two neighbors, Jenny (our dear friend) and our Muslim friends have/are having babies..The GOOD work continues as there were four callings given to our Mongolian Sisters today ,one as a translator , Gospel doctrine.Mongolian and two as Ward Missionaries, and these are the Sisters that I danced with way back in November (when I could dance!)
Lovr, MOM, Soeur PAt.
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