With my new SMART phone it is harder for me to post photos of our activities. This post includes some of the things we did this summer. After going to Michigan and Carbondale, Colorado we took a few short trips around Utah. We enjoyed our mission at the new location, the Mountain View Institute building , right next to our gym, the Orem Recreation center. So, we would go to serve and work out right after. We enjoy biking on the Murdock Canal, Twice we got up very early to serve at the Timpanogos Temple and the checking the trail and heading north to Alpine.
We wanted to keep August open to help with the new baby at Derek and Missy, but Missy went into Labor on Pioneer Day. Izaak John Anderson was born July 24. 2014, weighing 4plus and 19 inches. He was 7 weeks early and had to stay in the incu for about a month. During that time we helped serve the family by helping with the grandchildren.
The last weekend of the summer we went camping at Timpanokee camp site at the base of the trail to hike to the top of the mountain. Dan and some of the older kids hiked while we played with the younger ones. We closed the summer on Labor Day going out to Utah Lake on our new boat, the Aagot Marie.
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