Sunday, September 27, 2015

Pope Francis comes to Philly for the World Conference for Families

We are Hastening the Work as we have been given a new goal of 2,000 images a day!(last week we were excited to have 5,500!). Our challenge this week was the restrictions around town. We have been on lock down since Thursday miday until Monday at noon. The library is closed and many of the ways to get around town have been stopped for the two masses held in Logan Square in the large area around the Art Museum and the Cathedral, which are right next to the Temple and our Apt. We had to go through security to get across town, just like at the airport, only worse! But, we love the presence of extra police, FBI, national guard and undercover cops.
Here is the beautiful Cathedral before the Pope came
Here are a few barriers around town
Police everywhere
Port a potty everywhere.
 We could not even drive out of our parking garage.  We were asked to man the temple site and help organize the missionaries handing out info, but only if they were approached, they were not allowed to approach anyone. All questions are to be answered by our media experts. We enjoyed getting to know all the Missionaries serving around here.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Cape May- Senior Missionary Field Trip

We posted about 5,500 images this week by  going in early and staying late. All this so that we could join other Missionary couples at the Southern most tip of New Jersey. Jim's favorite part= the lighthouse. me= going in the Atlantic ocean. Well, I did bring my swim suit but. alas, no one else did, so I had to settle for two locations, the bay and the ocean! We also enjoyed a fish dinner and walk along the canal. This really helped lift our spirits in so many ways. Being with other couples who have left their families to serve far away from their homes, to enjoy nature, AND relax. 

Here we are one in mind, body, and spirit as we leave this joyous place      

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Brown and Green Collection

We are now working on a collection of books called the Brown and Green Collection. We also try to see some of the sites. Yesterday we happened to bump into this flea market that circled the old East State Penitentiary and I got a great idea how to hang my necklaces and Jim is happy to find me an old rake.
 Our new job of scanning  includes over 1,500 books that are records collected from all the counties in Pennsylvania and surrounding states. These books included church and state records from 1700- 1920 including births, marriages, land ownership, baptisms, deaths and other recorded information. We are finding, recording,  and scanning these records for Family Search, Historical Society of Penn, and Find My Past (located in Ireland ). Last week we were learned new meta data from our trainer who is fluent in Spanish and French and lives in Montreal.  This week we completed our first 21 books, from Allen and Allegheny counties!
 Here is Jim and I at Boat House row  which happens to be right below the famous art museum that Rocky used for training.

We are learning new things everyday. We love sharing and growing together.We  also love seeing wonderful places in Philadelphia. If you are wondering how our brains can do all these new skills, so are we!! This is keeping us young

Sunday, September 6, 2015

New Hope

After spending the last 2 weekends, both of us throwing up, but Jim in much worse shape than me and ending up in the ER, we planned a geta way. We traveled north to New Hope, Pa and Lambertville, NJ. Along the way we saw where Washing crossed the Delaware, saw a lot a green beautiful hills, valleys, trees, the river, and Thrift stores.
We did a little walking and found something enginerring that Jim read about the canal and I found some ducks and beautiful wildlife
We found some treasures at a garage sale just outside of New Hope, Good Will had other things we needed for our Apt., and fell in love with great finds at Warminster which included a store on York st, Costco and our favorite grocery store Aldi. On our return we listening to the BYU game in our Apt and then ventured out to see the latest on our Philadelphia Temple And the big event, Made in America, put on by JZ and Beyonnce.

The Rodin Museum is right across from the big event that everyone was coming to hear and we found it much more inviting than the concert, so turned around and went back to our place, content with the joyful time we spent together. Of course seeing the last 1/4 of the BYU football game at  our neighbors Apt. was the icing on the cake of our New Hope adventure