We are Hastening the Work as we have been given a new goal of 2,000 images a day!(last week we were excited to have 5,500!). Our challenge this week was the restrictions around town. We have been on lock down since Thursday miday until Monday at noon. The library is closed and many of the ways to get around town have been stopped for the two masses held in Logan Square in the large area around the Art Museum and the Cathedral, which are right next to the Temple and our Apt. We had to go through security to get across town, just like at the airport, only worse! But, we love the presence of extra police, FBI, national guard and undercover cops.

Here is the beautiful Cathedral before the Pope came

Here are a few barriers around town

Police everywhere

Port a potty everywhere.

We could not even drive out of our parking garage. We were asked to man the temple site and help organize the missionaries handing out info, but only if they were approached, they were not allowed to approach anyone. All questions are to be answered by our media experts. We enjoyed getting to know all the Missionaries serving around here.
Well, at least you had many places to pee around town!