Our opportunity to go to New York City with our good friends, Bev and Jon, happened to be on the coldest day so far. Lucky for us, they lived in the big city for many years, so they were our tour guides. Since it was so cold, Jon would pull over, we would pop out of the car, run and take a photo AND then get back in with our private tour guide!

We saw our lady Liberty from afar. But, that did not take away any of the joy of seeing her and our love of the French people.

My daughter Valerie and I had visited Ground Zero soon after all the destruction. This was the first time we got to see the trees, the buildings and tribute to all those who sacrificed.

Of Course Jim loved all the tall structures and all the construction that continues to happen in the big cities.

We drove in one way and through a tunnel on the way home. Here is a view of the city from afar, It was a cold but clear beautiful day.

Our longest stop was the New York City Temple which is right in the heart of the city. It also has a stake center with lovely art work. As many of you know, our temples are sacred places were we do not take photos. This art is in the stake center next to the Temple

Maybe next time we can catch a ride with the horse drawn carriage. We had a quick trip, With the very cold day, me with a sore knee and us just getting over colds, we felt warm and blessed to see the beauty of New York and share some special time inside the New York City temple. Like all of our Temples. as we entered we left behind the stress and noise of the city to worship and honor our covenants with our Savior
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