What do we do all day here in Philadelphia? now that it is winter?Everyday we ride a shuttle to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
Here is one of the many old photos we have found at the Library.

We usually walk home, even in the pouring rain. It takes 1/2 hour to ride the bus or 1/2 hour to walk and after being inside all day it is great to get outside. I love to walk a different way home every day because I love Philadelphia!. It is just big enough that I have walked on most of the streets. just not all in one day! We always love seeing the Temple. I never get tired of taking photos of it.

But, I do get tired of taking photos everyday. Here are some examples of what we see. We scan at least 2,000 pages everyday! That means finding the books, recording, and sending them off to FindmyPast, HSP, and FamilySearch, so YOU can find your family records!This photo is from the Friends, also know as Quakers. They kept very good records at their meetings and what I love about them is that my mom's mother Celia Woolley Morrison Larsen"s family were Quakers who settled in Chester County. So, as I am quickley truning pages my eyes are always looking for my own family records.

If you want me to look for your family name.. please send me the name! We have many, many, books still to do. Now we are doing Philadelphia County records. We have about 180 books that are just underttaker records!
So, you may ask how does someone like me do this everyday. It has been a challenge for me to be inside, quiet, careful, still, repetitive..all things that I am not! BUT, I know we need to be here, doing this work at this time! I know that the timing for the Philadpelphia Temple plays an imporant part. I dearing miss the family events, like yesterday not being at Calvin's baptism. So, if you are wondering why I am here...It is because I have a strong believe, testimony that tit is important to get these pages scanned. I know this is what the Lord wnats me to do at this time.

Great testimony, thanks!