This time of year brings so many great events to attend. The top photo is Kallie dancing with Copa, Then we got to go to Tanner and McKennas wedding and see more grandkids
We have had graduations and still some to come, a wedding and many dance events.
Since my birthday last month I have been in training mode and while listening to Abba I reworded, Dancing Queen, only seventy! ( not seventeen,,if you dont recognized the song!)

Here is Layla in Newies, She sang and danced and even did gymnastics!

The Tanner/Mckenna wedding
brought Chatterley cousins and family together for their Seattle Temple marriage.

Most proud of Karina getting pinned at UVU in her nursing ceremony. Just a few days later, she finished her first 1/2 Iron man in St, George. As she says, she finished first in her category.. mother of 7 and just pinned nursing student!

Yesterday our Morrison girl cousins got together to honor our family, We got caught up on travels and missions, We missed our cousin Claudia who just started serving in the Nauvoo temple. And we miss our cousin Sharon who passed several years ago, But we did get to visit with our oldest relative, Lee Morrison. He is my mothers brother. What I remember about him is,,, riding his bike to the library and picking fruit and veggies from his garden! He has shown us just how healthy his life still is!!

Jim and I continue to try to attend most family activities. There have been alot in the last few weeks! I didnt get photos on my phone ( when I dont use my phone, I still cant figure out how to get them on my blog !!!) of Logans great track run at BYU and Karina's 1/2 Ironman, and many other sporting events.