Visiting family in Michigan is always exciting and filled with great memories. This time I got even more chances to see the talent, skills and love.

Every day Valerie teaches preschool at Red Bell. Since there is a 2 hour time change, I take my time to get ready and go to school with Val and then during her teaching time I run errands, work out and help teach! I love being and seeing her teaching.

Karissa had a talent show in which she showed her cheering and singing skills

Next we got to see Victoria at her track meet and play with the boys.

In between I knitted and did 20,20 ,20 with the boys

most memories in dance are Victorias. She is strong, flexible, flowing, always great arms and dedication to progress in her talent. I am filled with joy to see her talent.

and lastly I got to celebrate Mothers Day with Valerie, She brings me love everyday when she sacrifices her time to share the little things of her life. We talk, laugh, workout, and bare our souls, I love being with her and her family.
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