yesterday I sought peace as I traveled on my bike. The beauty and memories of temples all over the world reminded me of my faith and hope.

I didnt miss the double rainbow, God has not forgotten His promise. We need to do our part

Our getaway last week started with a dance off, Nik said it was one of his favorite activities! Everyone joined in, I just dont have photos of me!

We gathered all the swim toys and went swimming and hot tubing

the first day at Lake Mead we hunted for a dock and played on the beach and rocks

We hiked to the petroglyphs.. Native American drawings high up about Santa Clara

We biked the trails and Izaak learned how to bike a gear bike, Jim and I brought 7 bikes on our truck!!!!!

soaking up lot of Vitamin D

lots of preparation goes into getting the boat ready

As I reflect back to only a week ago, the peaceful memories of the beauty in nature, the joy of being together outside, the contrasting colors of the St George landscape I pray for peace.
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