. We also had to learn how to start a fire from flint and steal, keep warm at night and cool in the hot desert. We buried rocks under the sand after cooking our meal at night and then slept on the rocks to keep warm. To avoid the heat we would often start hiking at midnight to get in 25 miles without too much heat.
After a 4 hour drive South-Easr from Provo we were dropped off with a map and told that we needed to get to a base camp by Saturday.. We had nothing to start with and after a few days of looking for water we met at base camp to get our roll up. This consisted of a wool blanket, a journal, scriptures, one pair of under wear (!!!!) an extra pair of shoes ( badly needed when I got such bad blisters. I had an infection in my toe and had to cut my boots). So, no bath, no person items, no tools expect a pocket knife, no water bottle or cooking tools!! But, we survived and thrived with some very strong spiritual experiences.
We ate prickly pear, ate larva tea, Brigham tea, sea go lily roots besides having to make sheep jerky. They dropped food and water for us sometimes, We had raisins, peanuts, flour, salt, brown sugar, and rice. Needless to say, I thought my jeans and leather belt were stretching and discovered at the end I had lost 20 pounds.
Many have asked, Why did you go? Many reasons: 9 credits of PE recreation from BYU ( if you survived!), to find what my next step would be ( I ended up going to California after survival!) to figure out who I should stop dating ( turns hour he got engaged while I was trying to survive!) and mostly to grow spiritually! And I did! I got confidence in myself and my relationship with God and I will never forgot this great experience.

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