what do these 3 equal?
Hard work, sacrifice, dedication, working through injury and pain, determination and wifes and famlies that support and love them!! These 3 just completed St, George , in high heat and after many changes in dates due to covid to keep in compliance. As Jim and I followed their course throughout the morning we saw all kinds of people who set this as their goal. We are happy for their success. ( I , of course would love to continue competiting!!! alas I still train but cant push with my 17 year old fake hips... and 73 year old other body parts that are hanging in there!!)

here is Scott Fulkerson, our long time friend and neighbor in SImi Valley California, He is a pro who trains others in trathlons. ( I hope I worded this correctly Scott,,He is professor and a coach )

Here is Dan, my daughter Karinas husband, who had to heal from a bike accident last fall which resultsed in metak plate in his elbow. He looked so calm right after the race!!!

AND My son Derek, also known as th beast! He works hard and trains hard.

and another.

the morning of the race we tried to get to Sand Hollow where the swim started but everything in Sr George was blocked and we couldnt figure out how to get there in time so we took a bike ride along the Virgin River trail. Lucky for me this was not my race, as my rear tire lost air and we had to cut it short to get over to the trainsition where the racers leave their bikes and start the last part of the race, the 1/2 marathon! We watched them come into the finish line and cheered them all on. Later in the day we got to chat with our friends and learn more about all the challenges they faced to get to their fiinish line,
May we all get to finish the race in the way that we have prepared for.
Everyone looks great!!❤️❤️