keeping fit and even competitve is one of our passions

Jake is a great example of working hard, We are so happy that he is on our team!

This love of water and being active started when my parents made being active a priority. We took dancing, ball sports and water sports to the max, we even convienced our dad to put a large pool in our home in Devon Pa, All of our family trips included water. This is one of the last trips that we got to take with mom and dad still healthy. At this trip I orgainized a Lun Olympics and it looks like Terry got a metal!!!

more resently Derek put a pool and hot tub in his Utah home!

Luck for us we live near by!

this is a pool near us

even dancing and water go together

and large lakes

and Michigan rivers

and the cruises

we love working on our strokes and trying to be the best we can


snow capped in the boat

San Diego

more racing

even reading , at least for a little R and R

surfing in Costa Rica

Beach beauties

and back home in our hot tub!
As I do a quick reflection on our passed activities I remember the joy of being together .
Water brings us together. I am glad that we can share our love with each other in so many different ways, so here I looked out for all the ways we were all wet...together!