Valerie and her crew drove all the way across America, well almost! This summer we were lucky that they took a whole month to travel and make our visit with them doubly fun

One of the fun days was a beauty day with Emily and Jan.

We got to see Emily using all her skills to help us become our more enhanced self.

Loved see the girls together

and the boys hanging out

A little hint of Americana, and Erik fell asleep in his swim suit, ready for the next days adventure.

They all take on Calvin

we played all kinds of games, golf, rummy, truth or dare

me AND Karina, Derek and Val

yet again trying to get everyone in one photo,

The big hike to the top of Timp with two different groups reaching the top. Me, I was back up, so I was up at 1am to see them off, then helped Karina with Blake when he had some pain and needed assistance.( that was 5am ) then Jim and I were lucky to meet many of the hikers a few miles coming down at 11am to bring them home. They started at the Timpanokee side . It was a long night and then day. Hiking in the dark with flashlights helped avoid the heat of the day. It was rocky and uneven and scary for me even in the light of day!!! What we saw of the hike was terrific and our next time we want to make it to the meadow.!

two best buds enjoying the sun rise. These are the first two down the mountain that met Jim and I in the morning when they heard my call..WOOOOHOOO!

the older kids hiked up earlier so we got a great shot of them

even the dog made it to the top!

Dereks pool was another fun day.

the bathing beauties

always a great time with water and kids

we set up the tent, That was a great idea which the tenters loved

trying to get everyone in, here we missed Karina and Missy!

but we did get us !!!

we hiked the Y! well at least the campus, It was very emotional for me to share the dance areas with Victoria and Val shared Southridge where she lived when she met Jason.

another hike in Timp, this time we went inside the cave on a very rainy day, when we returned we were in the hot tub and got to see the lightning and thunders and even hail


of course we worked out everyday, even doing yoga among the toys and cats, After that Valerie and I got to share our quiet time studying the scriptures and our testimony

Valerie got to go to Draper temple and Jim and I got to go to Payson temple. Getting to share our love of the Savior and temples even with the restrictions with covid made all the extra effort even more special because we set aside time for worship.
I am so happy to have shared my love and time with those who mean the most to me, All and all we tried each time to get everyone in a photo!!!but never could, You are all loved and missed whenever we try to get us all together. And now, I will lovingly continue to wash and clean up and remember the joys of being together,, only wiping away tears as I recall it all
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