Fort Niagara might have been where Jim and I first met!! Jim worked there in High school and my family visited there when he was there, so mmmmaybe we met a long time ago as he was dressed as a British soldier
always a favorite,, the 4 church steeples in Palmayra where young Joseph lived surrounded by churches but not knowing which one to join, Going to Palmayra was the next highlight on our travel across America. I felt my own testimony strengthened by being reminded of Feeding my Sheep, including my own.
another hike with family near Buffalo eternal flame hike and another highlight for Jim, so kind of gas which continually lights a flame.
after Victorias solo as we celebrated her talent
from falls to falls, God gives us a rainbow
the dancers
She was gracious and poised and we are so happy that she was honored here in this national dance competition in Niagra falls , This is highlight for me, to follow her journey and her maturity with her talent. I love you VickyT, this is well earned!