visiting Chatterley siblings is the top priority. here is Jim an Cederic. Jim loved going out to see the property that his bro manages and share the family love of service, we loved going to church here as the spirit of missionary work is strong. We stayed and Lenny and Joleas new place and had a great swim the next morning

Sioux falls

traveling by rental car from Minneapolis

we had a quick visit with Ruth and Tom, which sadly ended quickly as Tom had an emergency fall playing pickel ball

at the Green lake which topped our visit with Lenny N Jo

we biked and canoed and boated for a fun visit, and got to revisit with Charlie and Wendies family

nexted we traveled to Chicago to see Tanya, and here shows her beautiful healthy hair as I honor her, She knew she looked good here and showed joy in her posture.

sharing music and family stories was not enough to open up the memories floating in Tanyas mind, it was touching for me to just sing and laugh with her as the men visited. I was hoping that as I sang songs from her pasted that it would spark a memory, but all she said was, Oh thats pretty.
and so is she
as we travel down the highway of life
stop and see the pretty
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