We love getting together with Morrison Cousins, these are my moms side which is really fun because there are two sets of Identical twins!

lucky for us John Green is a photographer,,, AND Dicks wife who couldnt make it owns her own Bakery and gave each delicious Peppermint chocolate cakes," cake de fleur"

Lucky for us that we are health enough to carry on fun converstions on so many different topics, This time there was alot of talk about travel.

Here is Victoria just before heading back to Canton Mi, Oh how I love hearing all about college especially all the dancing she is doing. Having here energetic,fun loving self is always uplifting

my gift, VIctoria wanted some pampering! and Brandi fit her in!

This amazing photo was taken outside OREM temple during its openhouse, We went in cold but came out warm from the spirit but even colder from the storm that started while we were inside, Here we are with Nikki and Daryl and their cute girls

looks where my moms clothes ended up !!!HAha ,they make greeat Nativity costumes for the Rose shop annual food drive at the Larkin Mortuary. Missy did a great job organizing tne nativities around the world

inside the Rose shope.. who is that Santa?

most of my days have been chasing the sun just like my cats

or on the compter getting ready for our next BYUPATHWAY world wide South Lagos Nigerian mission as District leaders. I have so much to learn, Firstm keep the glasses on so I can see the key board, keep praying and keep practicing on zoom and whatsapp

another cat is hidden here, Can you see her?
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