Part two of our Hawaiian cruise from March 16 -March 31 Beginning each day together

At the PCC Craig and I had the chance to solo in two of the villages. Craig got up and did some dning. Mine was easier. although I could have danced and wold have, after taking all the classess from Dorthy Ae. All I had to do was drink from the coconut shell and act goffy. EASY!
was givin the head drress and the coconut!
here is Craig and I with our person tour station and we really did feel the Island loveguide, As I stated before , it easy was a perfect day and we got treated royally. Our seats were saved at every

In front of the temmple just before sunset with many of our group/ Seeing the temples all over the world is a goal that Jim and I hae always had

we hiked up to the Kona temple on Saturday and tehn went down bacck to the beach where I swim in the ocean. After going out to the middle of the bay where the water polo players set up their goal, as I was swimming back I go suck ( although I didnt know it) in a rip and had to be pulled out by one of the players! It made for an exciting swim!

Church at the Kona temple ward was the high light and another sasbbath where we can feel GOd live while traveling

Here is the youong man headed off to his mission with the Island tradition of placing love, laies, ties over his neck and giving him one last hug of incouragement. We felt the love also and will always feel it.

Mother and son love

my tree love is here. I have a special love for Gods trees, If I vever can chose my topic in church it will be about trees.

some of our friends on the cruise, I didnt get photos of two couplew which we bonded w ith one from chicago and one form Idaho but they really made our trip extra fun and mem0rable

this is the only photo I have of ua dancin. We zumba. line dance and ballroom danced ever day, Here we are doing the macarana1

the classic photo at the PCC. LoveLOVELOVE So the theme is love for all the times together and the times we miss together
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