either I am getting slower or life is moving faster. Its a little of both AND sometimes my load just might be too much. So glad I get to travel and see family . Here we are at Mayberry park as the boys prepare for their backpacking trip this summer. Sure wish I could go!!

what is not to love here!!!

I love playing games with Erik.I still havent beat hinm in Sorry,. Cade taught me a new game 31.I am excited to teach grandpa this math game to keep uo our arithmatic skills in our old brains

Church is one of my favorite days as I can share my love of Jesus Christ and my desire to help and serve others

Austin celebrated his 15th birthday right after I left

Erik and Austin know that granma needs a photo everytime I come,

I got to see Austin run a sub 5 and break his time and show everyone how hard work helped him reach his goal.

Erik playing his trombone. I also got to see him in the Canton cup playing goalie and defense. He really knows how to hustle even when he is playing with boys 50pounds larger!!

here is Austin at his last track meet when he flew by in the last lap. I didnt get a photo at his piano recital but he also captured the audience especially me! His choice of songs is perfect.

Hiking and throwing the football in the beauty that I love in Michigan. remiinds me of growing up in Penn, near Valleyforge.

EACH DAY of my visit I get to be granma to Valeries students, which I lovelovelove.

I love you Mercados.. Miss Victoria but will see her soon as she dances threw this summer
Fun times!