Difficult and humbling, these have been the last 5 weeks.The hip abductor brace and walker need to be used at all times (according to DR Smith) And I have been following his rules until my sores around the waist got so bad and turned into a yeast infection because they were never dry. Then my good friend and neighbor Sis Dort (nurse ) said I needed to dry them out. She also provide many special bandages and cream. She is the good part. So , also is my neighbor Cressent , who spent 2 hours cleaning my bathroom! I didnt know it could get that clean! She did the windows and organized the books and candles, I spend alot of time in the bath tub, Especially now since I cant wear the brace there. Darn!.The sores are painful and the hip rubbing from the brace , ugh. I dont mind the walker. Many friends have driven me places to help with the mental part of my adjustment. Many phone calls and sharing love. AND Jim, my chauffeur, picker upper, shoes put oner, kitchen chopper, dish doer, laundry doer and listener to complainer. Jim has been there all the time.These are all the good things. Even more time to study and prepare for our new semester in BYU Pathway Worldwide, Nigeria. SO MANY GOOD things
BAD= miss my bike, kayake and slowing down, fear of it happening again

Jim takes me many different places to walk. Here we are at the Mall

We got to go to Carter and Bronwyns weeding in Bountiful

Here we are with the brace under my dress,,very very painful

A friend from Nigeria ,at BYU education week , which we served at in the MARB building ,with handicapped parking very near by!!

I bought the recliner and Jan provided her professional staging and now it fills very peaceful. The clean living room and bathroom are my favorite places to be, besides outside. The calmness in the clean and organized is what I need now and hope to continue to clean when I can get around better.
What have I learned? patience, prayer, power from within is strong

forgor to show photos when I was being fitted for the brace and the correct way to wear it

here is the review of the his dislocation with the paramedics and fire trucks with all the bells and whistles at 5am on Friday Aug Aug 9, I was preparing to teach dancing and excited to use the music Cade had helped me with AND in plank I twisted and twisted until the right hip popped out

complications with breathing and Morphine which lead to 1 hours of throwing up and another try back to ER

Double rainbow reminded me that I am a child of GOD and that He loves us AND wants the best for us. We need to do our part
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