We also visited Valley Forge Park and Conestoga High school, where I learned to drive. We drove on Pugh Road and by Narrigan pond where we used to go ice skating.
I showed Jim the Devon Horse show and where I used to catch the train to ride into Wayne when I was in 8th grade, We thought it was a big deal to ride 2 stops all by ourselves and go to the 5 & 10 cent store and buy makeup. Both the drive to my high school and the train station seemed very far away. Even though I didnt start running until after college, I guess I really enjoyed walking and visiting with my friends. It is so good to be here and revisit the places that helped mold my childhood.
One tender mercy this week happened on Friday afternoon when a family came to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. They came from Calif, to do research on their family. Turns out that their son Blake answered my prayers. He is high functioning Autistic (he even had APE). After a few minutes of much sharing he spent the rest of the afternoon helping me organize books and get ready for Monday. I loved having him with me and remind me how blessed I am, to have worked in special education and have the opportunity to grow and share my joy of family and the gosple with others/
Nice getaway! Glad he found his man purse, looks good!