The beauty of the sun shining on the Susquehanna River was our highlight this week. In order to justify our spending the whole day away from the Historical Society of Pennsylvania scanning books, we really needed to work hard all week. And we were blessed to find the books in Bucks and Berks County that were next on our list were in great shape and many had images on both sides. This meant double the work, so one day we did our record 2,900images in one day! So, we got up at 4am and drove to Pennypack building (our stake, about 40 minute

away at that time of the early morning.) We traveled with a big bus full of young Sisters and Elders for the 3 hour trip north. Here is our group at the end of this highly recommended tour of Harmony, Pa. the home of Joseph and Emma when they were first married. where they had to bury there first born. The beautiful large home of the Hales family. This areas is where 15 revelations where received and much of the Book of Mormon was translated. Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were baptized in this river after receiving the Priesthood Authority from Peter, James, and John.
Harmony, Pa. is just inside the Northern part of the Pennsylvania and New York border and a very important part of church history. Most touching for me was to see the cemetery where Joseph and Emma buried their first born. I remember when my son Erik died and how I made a promise to serve in Special Education, to use my talents with these wonderful children of our Heavenly Father.
We'll have to go there some time!