2020 has been hard for another reason. I love to serve others in many ways including having friends and family over to eat. WaSH hands, wash dishes, check date on the food, where did you buy it? Did you leave it in the garage for two days before bringing it in? So many rules, I have prayed each day to know who I can help/ How can I serve?

And then the Christmas fish came into my life. It is a long story which includes helping my good friend with caring for her home while she works on her tan in Hawaii. She said, "no big deal. just water my plants and get my mail." It would only be a couple of visits a week" Again I had been praying about who to help and serve and really wanted to visit family but with covid rules getting more tight I didnt know if I could make it work. And then the fish came and needed me each day. That was the answer.... Feed the fish.. Feed my sheep....Feed the Christmas fish.
Ans so that is what I can do. I can do this, and without a mask. but with plenty of love and knowing that I am needed
Very sweet!