Can we find our source of peace and joy in the New Year? Yes we can, I have hope in us.

Here is Jim keeping his New years goal to work out! Yes, he does, every day! He did marry me and loves to start off the day right.

In the New year, we are continuing to look for ways to serve others,
We love being with family and wish that we could be with them all. ugh! still dealing with Covid restrictions

Jim started redoing the kitchen,,,

Our youngest grandsons love the hot tub and sharing time together

Me, I have rediscovered my need for scheduling study time and increasing my knowledge through classes and reading. Here Jim caught me getting distracted.

being able to work with my grandkids by showing my love of learning is priceless

SO , here is to lifting up joy and happiness for a NEW year. We celebrate with music and dance and uplifting shows and messages.
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