unlike the Sound of Music. I am not starting at the very beginning of Victoria's adventure to Utah, but at the end. Here she is in John Hall, Helaman , on BYU campus getting ready for her last big section of her trip to UT. She attended Cougarette Camp! She said she was meeting her idols, that she so long wanted to meet. And they are National Champions, they truly are a hard working talented group of dancers.. What memories I have, as I leave her here where I firsr stayed in Merrill Hall, then later dropped Valerie off and last Derek off in the same hall ,on campus. Seeing her charming personality, confident and talented, I reflect back to myself. What happens now? How do we use our experiences to process forward with an eye single to service and joy?

here she is in the back stretching out with hundreds of other very talented girls.. in the splits, which we know our family has been blessed with strength in flexibility

oh all these beauties! Getting early to their last day, I got to see them learn their jazz number. Fossey, All that jazz,! and perform various different styles of routines. what a great opportunity!!

some of the girls at Cannon center, where, as freshman we find our freshman 15lbs!! ugh

Some of the young women who were great friends to Victoria right away, Picking her up at all hours and showing her the sunsets, hiking, getting ice-cream, going to stake youth conference and probably other things I would have loved to have done at that age,

We love Emily and her sweetness in sharing the sabbath with us, She is in her own apartment now , with a real job and a great example

the first day after she got here, she got to go to the Provo City center temple for baptisms

and EFY in Payson, it was an extreme adventure! Reminding me that when I got to BYU I really wanted to go camping in the mountains ( and then got in trouble when I planned a campout,, its another story that is in my life story ,,of lessons learned!) oh to be l7!

we went on Deer creek Kayaking. She got to get photos of our favorite mts, Timpanogos,

Here in the calm morning, with our shy cat Oreo. Victoria shows her gentle, sweetness as she basks in the warmth of love

ever the beauty, went up the Squaw peak to start her senior photos!
We learned so much having her stay with us. We were reminded of our youth, The joys of living life to the fullest, the importance of having good friends. having family near by. Planning rest time and service time. Honoring God and all the wonderful creations . Oh, to be 17 again? What would I do differently? I am were I am from the choices I made, I love that we have a Savior Jesus Christ who loves us and has taught us how to love one another and serve others, And I continue to learn from HIM.
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