LUCKY US ! Planning a trip back to make repairs in Simi and catch up with friends along the way. We didnt take any photos but these, Here we are hiking on our last day as we stayed in Thousand Oaks very near Wildwood hiking area, We remember going here on a hike with flash light but even Derek doesnt remember, Hiking has been one of our ways to enjoy seeing the beautiful world we live in. We stayed in TO 4 days as Jim repaired Simi home and I tried to find friends at home in Simi, Missed most of them as I have a new phone and lost many numbers. But those I did catch up with were filled with wonderful love and memories

never missing the traffic. Remembering the drive on the 118 to work everyday for 20 years, But also the drive to serve in the LA temple for 2 years,

We miss our temple! ir is only open 3 days now! it is with great sadness that I see this happening in my life. Lucky we got to set aside time to feel the spirit here and pause

this is the joy that I will remember from this trip. We had help as we were trying to get a photo and one of the grounds keepers said,, Kiss her again!! See that joy !! It has been 50 years since I first moved to LA and lived at the Temple Parkway Apt, right at the entrance to the temple by Santa Monica, After graduating from BYU and then going on survival I figured I could conquer LA!! It took many years for me to learn many lessons of survival ! Sorry I got no photos of friends we saw and stayed with >>Loraine an Whit, the Hanks and their whole family, Dittmans, Aes, Ursals, Kristie Williams and some of Jims work friends in Malibu./ We miss you all and send prayers of love and gratitude
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