to get into bed and out of bed because I cant even find the muscles to lift my leg

to try to get some sleep, I finally find a few minutes on grandma Celias sofa which we have in our sun room. Here I was reading through old cards and "important" papers that I saved, trying to search for answers

many family N Friends have brought flowers, food, and hope. but some have brought, "well, your whole live will be different now' You must slow down" what will you do now?" What will I do now? I am searching and reaching out to try to solve the constipation, the nausea, the pain from having 2 surgeries in 5 days ( yes, Oct 10 and Oct 15 I had my hip which had displocated twice, totally redone, with a spinal block and anesthesia and tons of meds moving around in my body) BUT the biggest problem right now is trying to sleep.

Flowers from Anderson kids sitting at my computer brighten up the room

Roses to shine the corner

pink beauties that shine hope, looking for the SUN (SON)

fun visits from family

pets know what is going on, they check out visitors to make sure they arent going to hurt me any more

walks and talks are part of the healing

and of course, when energy is up, a walk near the
closest temple to us, Jim and I look forward to serving in there when it is complete
SO these are just some of my paths as I search for hope in healing. I pray for all of you who have come and helped in all your ways , Your love is precious to me. We will win this. WE WILL FIND HOPE
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