We ended this month with the Angel costume just because it felt like the best idea for missionaries and Jim got to use his skills to design the wings. And as most of us have experienced, the next few weeks will go flying by as we celebrate so many wonderful holidays of joy and love of friends and family.

We had a delightful drive to Norristown, stopping by the Valley Forge Ward Building, which I always thought we helped build. But, after visiting with my friends, the Fulmers, I was reminded of so many wonderful memories of my formative years which help mold me into the person I am. The Fulmers have been in leadership in Norristown and the Valley Forge Ward since before my family moved in. The chapel started being used a few months after we moved to Devon, ( I always thought my dad was the building fund leader, which must have been the Trenton Ward). One of the gems of our visit is the way Brother Fulmer honored my father with his help and advise in investment. Sister Fulmer remembers me as being a cheerful, obedient, leader of the youth. It makes me so happy that she had such great memories of me as a teenager!

We worked really hard at the Library and are now starting Chester County where the Woolley Family, as Quakers, first heard about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I have found many documents of Wills and other papers which I will include together later

We finally managed to get a quick visit to the Art Museum on a Wednesday evening, What an impressive building and display of impressionist artist work. along with Americana artists. That night was just lightly raining and as we left the famous stairs that Rocky ran up to get in shape for his boxing, we pondered and were reminded of how blessed we are to serve here in Philadelphia, at this time, at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. To be able to interview people that knew my family when we lived in Devon and to see documents on the first Woolley family members to accept the gospel, what a joy!
Fun memories!