As the seasons are changing, we are enjoying our colorful times here. We have found artisans from all over the world sharing their talents and joys. Jim is now in leadership with the High Priest and is looking forward to preparing new members for our new Philadelphia Temple. Lights on the outside of the temple shine in the evening and the surrounding buildings and streets are preparing for the big holiday season that is just beginning

At the library we have many groups come to get training in the history and use of the library. This photo is taken near the entry by the beautiful large stairs with many of our friends. Here we are preparing for our group photo for our Christmas card.

this photo is just on the other side of Kelly Drive

Here is another view of the entry way into the Historical Society
in the very large Fairmount Park

Sending off our wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving. And prayers for peace
Beautiful! I can't wait to see it in person!