Today we finally got to go to the Washington DC temple and enjoy other Philadelphia Stake members share in the spirit and love of the temple. We enjoyed the 2 plus hour drive hearing all about our friend Sarah's conversion, family trials and joys, and local area tidbits.

Then on Sunday we walked to the Christ Church which my ancestor Thomas Woolley and Sarah Coppock were married in Aug 1729. This is the very same church on the water front that Benjamin Franklin had a pew and many other prominent leaders in the community worshipped. Now, according to family history, the Woolley family that are my relatives through my mother's mothers line (Celia Woolley) were Quakers. They settled in Chester County. The passed few weeks we have been scanning many books from the Friends Meeting Minutes, and other records fro Cemeteries and churches. In these books I have found documents with my relatives names included! WOW, This is why we are here! As hard as it is to leave our family, our children and grandchildren and home, we know that we are helping others find out more about their family history. The bonus is we sometimes find records about our own family. This is why we are here--- helping families help their families.

Our temple here in Philadelphia will have a similar look to the top of Christ Church.

Here is a document including Ann and john Woolley. These records can be viewed at findmypast, HSP, and familysearch,org. as soon as they pass inspection from our various second witnesses who preview our work before it goes out. We are working fast and hard to get through everyone of the counties in Pennsylvania and here it is November and we are still in the letter C- Chester County. We are here doing the work that needs to be done to pull families together, past and present.
Awesome experiences and great testimony builders!