Sunday, December 22, 2019

Christmas traditions

why do we love our family traditions? We feel loved and the love of our Savior as we honor his birth. Here we are with Dereks and Karinas kids.
Izaak still loves to work the trains.

 making ginger
ginger bread houses
Derek wins, even My Mom would love this!
Derek commented that he remembers the costumes for the Nativity, YES, I have many of my original costumes from when we acted out the Christmas story from Luke 2 in the New Testament

 Family tradtions also include serving and caring for the homeless, honoring those around us, and sacrificing our time for others. We love being with family most of all. Merry Christmas to all,

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Status quo, guid pro quo, Ho Ho Ho

Status Quo. quid pro quo, Ho Ho Ho
 Cruise trip, Hawaii, Day Trips Yosemite

Soccer games, Swimming, Dancing
Hiking, Biking, Spinning
Joys and Memories are winning

Live, laugh, and Love


Sunday, December 15, 2019

right choices

Celebrating so many things on our visit to Michigan this trip, but most important for Erik, is his decision to get baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. When we choose to follow the Saviors example and serve others and try to be more loving, we become closer. On our trip to see the Mercados we celebrated Karissa and Eriks birthday, we feasted on great food for Thanksgiving and we honored Christs birth as so many do at Christmas time.
Here is the family just at the baptism. And Erik with his joyful smile.
I taught Austin how to knit and he picked it up right away.

Jim ALWAYS  brings tools.And I ALWAYS like to play.
Karissa gets a great cut from Victoria

Plenty of great times sharing recipes of love
I got to help Valerie at preschool.
Victoria dancing

Just like the Rockets at New York City
We took a trolley ride to Phymoths tree lighting an festivities.

We spent time together. Remembering this time of year as not one of getting gifts but of giving time. 
Remembering our Love of Family. Remembering our Savior.