Sunday, August 23, 2020

Bryce Canyon and surroundings

 Just keeping   close to home, We adventured south meeting up with our friends the Sharon n John   Call. Here is Bryce Canyon about 4 hours from our home. Although we took the slow route through route 89 and Manti . Big Rock Candy Mts and their train cars.
Mossy Cave 

We stayed in Tropic, 7 miles from Bryce and on the way to Mossy Cave. running water with a water fall  which brought water to Tropic when it was first settled by the pioneers.

Kodakcrome state park

we also biked and kayaked our way through out the area, in Pine creek and Tropic resevoirs

We had fun just hiking and being together. We really need to just enjoy the beautiful world that has been created for us , not to mention the clean air and vitamin D to keep us fortified from all the germs.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Chatterley Old sibliings at Green Lake, Mn

Every 4years Jim's siblings get together. Not even the virus stopped 
 to figure out a way to visit together , this year we met at JoLea and Lennys Lake house on the Green Lake, in Spicer Mn.
We really missed being with Jims oldest sister, Tanya, but we had a great face to face with her for over an hour, We all got a chance to share memories and stories from our times together.
Jim and his brothers working on family history.

Lenny and Jo opened up their place ,well stocked with food and toys, We had games, and sports, and lots of water activities. We each felt loved and had plenty of space to keep our social distancing as needed, I tried to keep hands clean all time time and ended up with my negative reaction to soap so by the time I left my eyes were dripping all the time, 

Family togetherness is so important. We need to help each other with feelings of love and caring, The world needs more love at this time, We need to heal. Being outside by the water is very healing for me. I am glad that we could share time together.