Monday, April 27, 2020

April --almost over

Usually my fav month, I love April forbringing on Flowers 

starting gardens

fruit trees in bloom

soft rain showers


and reading in the sun.
This year was a long April. We celebrated quite times together by reading and knitting and listening to talks and books. We took walks and hikes and bike rides,--6 feet apart. We talked to friends on the phone and renewed old friendships by phone and zoomed meetings. We cleaned and cleaned and then cleaned those same places again. We planted our gardens and trimed our trees. Our animals loved all the extra attention. 
One thing I rediscovered was music. I danced and choreographed a number about this experience . It is hard to explain my creative dance but it came to two dreams. starting in the fetal positon, one dancer down and hands wondering where to be, not touching anything. other dancers join but cant touch  but want to help, but cant... try to lift one another  cant,,, use elbows ,,use legs,,, cant,,, then everything goes in slow motion.

We are almost out of slow motion now as the world has bloomed into spring. Lets take our time and readjust our lives to  the new normal.
What will that be?
It is up to each of us to figure that out.
Hope for the best to win

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Quaratine: almost finished!

 Love being outside!  As we move into warmer weather we have started our garden as you can see behind me. Flowers are in bloom but still snow in the mountains. The old push mower  is my favorite way to cut the grass,
Jim loves his creations. He is always thinking of inovative ways to solve a problem. This is a secrete invention that has to do with hydrogen
It is hard to tell, but here we are playing cards, just another way to be together during this time of quaratine from everyone else.

Easter ham was Jims request, With such a hugh amount I have made lima bean soup , gave some away, froze some .then v
few days ago we made quiche, It was fun working together.Jim does the chopping and I figure out what ingredients we have to use up and make it healthy and tasty. I am still working on this quilt which keeps my hands loose and busy.
Most of the time I am reading here in my sunroom. I must admit this quarantining is hard for me.One day I  cleaned and ironed the curtains and when I was done I thought, I will never do that again!!!! I clean everyday now!
 As I reviewed what my life was like before I figured out that after my work out, scripture study, and lessons, most of my time is spent serving.  Now I have a very clean house, much more organized. I feel blessed to have  been healthy during this time. So many others have lost so much, I have nothing that I should complain about.  

Thursday, April 9, 2020

social distant 3 weeks quarantine 3 days

yes, it is true. After a healthy happy time serving and loving the Mercado family  near Detroit Michigan, I flew home to quarantine myself for 2 weeks. I am very glad to have been able to be safe and cleaner than anyother place in the airport and flying.! Ask me about the experience and I will give you more detail. But, basically, we all want to conquire this virus and we all need to do our part.
 While at Valeries we made masks and as Detroit became third in the worst American cities, we changed my flight to come home sooner, Originally way last fall I bought these tickets for 3 weeks so that Val and Jason could go to Chili. When things got worst in Europe and Asia they canceled their trip but I decided I could still serve , visit, and share my love with them.  Valerie ran a tight ship for the grandkids, this included, of course music and recess, so I could use my talents and skills in teaching and see how much the grandkids have grown. When one shares space during challenging times so much adaptation can happen.

Jason worked from home and kept us updated.

Erik started us on a great geography lesson that kept us studying more and more detail about States and the world.

Victoria and Austin participated in a Cook off competition and increased their cooking skills
Baketball and trampoline and biking riding outside and lots of dancing and stretching inside
Music everyday uplifts

Fun hugsS

I knitted a blanket while I visited and Austin said I should enter this in as a world record for fastest knitting!!!
Karissa surprised me with an early birthday celebration
Of course we missed Jim, He stayed home to keep safe with his asthum and every day we saw grandpa,  We loved sharing each confernce session with him side by side as we zoomed together
thanks for the lovely memories as I now am in my 3 day of quarantine.

here is my quarantine,  not bad so far.