Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Christmas fish

2020 has been hard for another reason. I love to serve others in many ways including having friends and family over to eat.  WaSH hands, wash dishes, check date on the food, where did you buy it? Did you leave it in the garage for two days before bringing it in? So many rules,  I have prayed each day to know who I can help/ How can I serve?
And then the Christmas fish came into my life. It is a long story which includes helping my good friend with caring for her home while she works on her tan in  Hawaii. She said, "no big deal. just water my plants and get my mail." It would  only be a couple of visits a week" Again I had been praying about who to help and serve and really wanted to visit family but with covid rules getting more tight I didnt know if I could make it work. And then the fish came and needed me each day. That was the answer.... Feed the fish.. Feed my sheep....Feed the Christmas fish. 

Ans so that is what I can do. I can do this, and without a mask. but with plenty of love and knowing that I am needed


Sunday, December 20, 2020

Christmas Poem 2020

 Merry Christmas 2020

let's wrap up this year, and find a way to be

of good cheer. 

We changed the way we shop and school and even tried to work out without a pool.

So we bought a kayak and discovered Utah's lakes and streams - 6 feet apart -we biked , hiked and changed our dreams.


we stayed in our home to worship and pray, when it got warmer out in the sun we stayed.

Now we can text, chat and zoom. we have hope and faith, anda desire to serve, so we have plenty of room.

Love, pat and Jim

Monday, November 9, 2020

Revisiting Survival

In 1972 I spent about a month  the middle of no where in the middle of Utah.   This 2020 year seemed like a great time to travel around the 300 miles of areas that we hiked   and rappelled. We avoided flash floods and constantly looked for food and water

. We also had to learn how to start a fire from flint and steal, keep warm at night and cool in the hot desert. We buried rocks under the sand after cooking our meal at night and then slept on the rocks to keep warm. To avoid the heat we  would often start hiking at midnight to get in 25 miles without too much heat.
After a 4 hour drive South-Easr from Provo we were dropped off with a map and told that we needed to get to a base camp by Saturday.. We had nothing to start with and after a few days of looking for water we met at base camp to get our roll up. This consisted of a wool blanket, a journal, scriptures, one pair of under wear (!!!!) an extra pair of shoes ( badly needed when I got such bad blisters. I had an infection in my toe and had to cut my boots). So, no bath, no person items, no tools expect a pocket knife, no water bottle or cooking tools!! But, we survived and thrived with some very strong spiritual experiences.
I should be somewhere in this photo but  I cant figure out where. Maybe I was looking for  a bush.

We ate prickly pear, ate larva tea, Brigham tea, sea go lily roots besides having to make sheep jerky. They  dropped food and water for us sometimes, We had raisins, peanuts, flour, salt, brown sugar, and rice. Needless to say, I thought my jeans and leather belt were stretching  and discovered at the end I had lost 20 pounds.
Many have asked, Why did you go? Many  reasons: 9 credits of PE recreation from  BYU ( if you survived!), to find what my next step would be ( I ended up going to California after survival!)  to figure out who I should stop dating ( turns hour he got engaged while I was trying to survive!) and mostly to grow spiritually!  And I did! I got confidence in myself and my relationship with God and I will never forgot this great experience.


Thursday, November 5, 2020

Dodging the corona bullet...so far

There have been many around me getting the corona virus. including Nattie and Mariah. Last week my friend Lenore called and told me she had to be quarantined because she had been exposed to her daughter who got it and had slept and stayed with her for a few days. There were several times during her visit that we all chatted. Then Lenore came  over to our place for church, Did I get exposed? Then Derek and Missies sister Heather and her whole family got it, Did I get exposed? Well, so far no, But I did slip on ice while going to buy boots so I wouldnt slip!
Halloween was quick this year, I had a costume but after my fall I chose to be careful. Nothing was broken but I did see that I have osteoporosis in my fingers and the rest of my body!  ugh!

Spent the day before Halloween with Dereks kids and I got to swim in their lovely pool and hot tub
missing Victorias cuteness

Seth and Mckennzie and Wallace

Augie and Wallie , our two great grandsons through Jan and Jaron

Hot tub fun is the best, Being with grandkids is  even better

I just love my family and all the craziness.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Fun suprise for us all

Sweet sixteen birthday surprise for Victoria 

so glad I could share time with all the kids. Karissa and I shared her art and love of style and music. Austin is in middle school now...well not in middle school but doing all the work and he started playing the cello. He still really loves his computer games and soccer. Erik and I did PE most mornings since his "School" started an hour later. He loves to read and loves to challenge grandma in all kinds of fun. Lucky me. I got to go to school every day with Valerie

I just love going and being with these Pre schoolers, I even get to teach yoga while I am there. The owner welcomes my being there so that makes it easy to keep going.( even during this challenging time)
Victorias birthday was  a hit, It started out windy and I was worried about so many of the girls being together, But Victoria knew her friends and they all got together and ate and played games and hung out.

what a sweet sixteen memory! she is growing up!
what do I love most about being together> Being together! of course I love Michigan, so many things remind me of my childhood in Pennsylvania, the weather, the town, the people, and the love! I am happy that I can be healthy and afford to travel, especiallly during this time, Take the time to LOVE. and Serve one Another.


Monday, September 28, 2020

the beast continues

I called Derek my golden boy after loosing my son Erik. Erik was so sick but lived his 10 months with all my hope and strength and love. After he died I prayed for healing for my self. After more miscarriages (even just before Christmas ) I lovingly carried Derek for the usual over 9 months ( all my kids cook a little longer in the womb). His thick blond wavy hair and healthy body were what stood out as he brought joy to my life  thus the nick name, Golden Boy!. He has continued to briing joy to many. He has compassion and openness to the uniqueness of his fellow man//women ,Along with many traits, we share a love of physical challenges,
 Here he shows  his sister Valerie his one handed pushups !
Last week Derek completed a" family and friends supported 142  plus mile ironman challenge!'Here he is near the end of the marathon part of the run,. supported by family and  friends. I biked along side to add water, food and love and encouragement. At this time he had been going for 12 hours.

Here is Jake and Derek preparing at the beginnig of the day, We paddled and kayaked alongside him in Deer Creek to protect him from boats and cheer him on. But, he was faster than we could paddle, Karina and I couldnt keep up with him! We were  wet and cold and we werent even doing the race!

Here he is after getting out of the water, A very happy swimmer!

The biking part was wet and windy and LONG. 
More love and  support. all day long
Karina and Koki finished running with Derek in the dark at the last 5 miles.

At the begiinning of the day our group supported with prayers and love for the just under 15 hour day. It was like a day in the life full of success and trials and trying to conquer and complet goals, Derek kept my nick name the goldenboy once again. 


Monday, September 14, 2020

Terry is 70!

Happy birthday Terry! Doug and Terry are traveling up to be with their grandkids and we are lucky to be their stop in Utah. What a time we had, We got to serve the communuity, friends and family. all in one weekend. We had great visits about family history and adventures. I got to give her my covid extras. She got to make sour dough raisin bread from Dereks starter. We got to help out my grandkids when Karina and Dan had to go to the hospital, What a wirlwind !!

Derek and Jake came over after his mts bike race in Price Utah.

Our Lund family visits are never complete without lots of good food and great stories.Lucky for us we get to see them again when they return. Happy birthday Terry, Thanks for sharing the time with us.


Sunday, August 23, 2020

Bryce Canyon and surroundings

 Just keeping   close to home, We adventured south meeting up with our friends the Sharon n John   Call. Here is Bryce Canyon about 4 hours from our home. Although we took the slow route through route 89 and Manti . Big Rock Candy Mts and their train cars.
Mossy Cave 

We stayed in Tropic, 7 miles from Bryce and on the way to Mossy Cave. running water with a water fall  which brought water to Tropic when it was first settled by the pioneers.

Kodakcrome state park

we also biked and kayaked our way through out the area, in Pine creek and Tropic resevoirs

We had fun just hiking and being together. We really need to just enjoy the beautiful world that has been created for us , not to mention the clean air and vitamin D to keep us fortified from all the germs.