Sunday, May 31, 2020

peace in nature

yesterday I sought peace as I traveled on my bike. The beauty and memories of temples all over the world reminded me of my faith and hope.
I didnt miss the double rainbow, God has not forgotten His promise. We need to do our part
Our getaway last week started with a dance off, Nik said it was one of his favorite activities! Everyone joined in, I just dont have photos of me!

We gathered all the swim toys and went swimming and hot tubing

the first day at Lake Mead we hunted for a dock and played on the beach and rocks

We hiked to the petroglyphs.. Native American drawings high up about Santa Clara

We biked the trails and Izaak learned how to bike a gear bike, Jim and I brought 7 bikes on our truck!!!!!
soaking up lot of Vitamin D

lots of preparation goes into getting the boat ready

As I reflect back to only a week ago, the peaceful memories of the beauty in nature, the joy of being together outside, the contrasting colors of the St George landscape I pray for peace.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

new normal

Mariah has graduated with the class of 2020.She has overcome many challenges this year, starting with a concusion car crash,  to mono, and surgury. I am so proud that she continued on and finished high school. we are now figuring out the new normal-- with so many changes in society now we are gradually figuring out what we can do. Utah is in Yellow now, which means we can swim, but who wants to use the public restrooms if someone isnt healthy?? and who is to judge?? I feel happy and healthier with more oportunities to be outside as the spring weather opens up to more hiking and biking and visiting. Soon we will be able to have larger crowds and return to some kind of church meetings. Right now 52 temples are open for marriage sealings only for  living ordinances.
so now Jim and I love biking to different temples, Here we are at the Payson temple.

Another way to keep active and explore is just North of us, hiking Dry canyon.

Nik is finding his own way of social distancing!!!

Missy and Jake, Kallie, Layla and Izaak on Mothers Day

Mariah, Natalie and Peter with Koki

Biking down Provo canyon
End of the school year here, Mariah has made it!!!
Here we are with Emily as we celebrate her prom in the new normal. Emily will continue to study this summer. We love being so close to Jan and Jarons family now that they have moved to Lehi,, and I have biked to and from their place now,,, 3 times, which means the whole Murdock trail. The ride is easy but it takes a few hours, It is just another way for me to enjoy this beautiful area and mediate and listen and solve questions with my life
. Things are getting easier, but as I contimplate the last 3 months with the pandemic I pray that I will remember the things that I needed to change to be  better, faithful person

Monday, May 11, 2020

things starting to open up

Saturday we took a bike ride up to Bridal veil falls and were shocked by all the people out and about. The wonderful weather and the fact that Utah is opened to Orange brought some renewed hope to many. Nik road up the canyon without any gears and is a real trooper. Karina was working this day with her first covid patient! She is an amazing women~ We honored her and all the many other health care workers this week.
Here is Karina and the 3 youngest boys on one of the many hikes and adventures we have. You can see the beauty that we love in Utah---family and nature.!!!

We celebrated Cinco de Mayo by making a pinata. We decided to kill the virus.

notice our masks!
Jims latest invention,, a hydrogen converter,, at least I think I got it right--- alternative engery. he wishes he could convert some of my energy!!!In the mean time I am hiking and biking and trying to find ways to serve,
so I have knitted --almost 3 blankets

and made many masks
Our temples arent open yet, but we enjoy hiking around them

We still cant take selfies, oh well.