Tuesday, March 24, 2015

descendancy work on FAMILY SEARCH

We have been serving our family history mission at the Orem Processing center for over a year, We learned how to do Descendancy search from our good friend, Brother Hawley, In doing this search we find family members as least 115 years after they have passed and then 4 generations over. This means we are finding relatives, greatly removed cousins, whose work have not been done, Along with the fact that my cousin Stewart Neel hired a professional genealogist and he found grandma Aagot Marie Randby Lunds real family (she was adopted) so , these lines opened up.
Monday Morning, Jim and I got up at 4am and took Mariah and Andrew, along with Austin Lund and Karina to the Provo temple for Baptisms for the dead, This is a joy that I have been waiting for a long time. Now, I will be able to complete the rest of their work, I am so happy that I can serve my family both living and passed. I love family history and am so happy that Jim and I can serve together

Monday, March 9, 2015

a visit with Uncle Lee

Uncle Lee turns 90 this year in March 2015. Here he is in 1944 on leave in World War ll. From left in this photo is LaRue, Jean. Lee, and not sure who the rest are. Is it Joyce and then Celia? I always prided myself in knowing which twin was which but now I am challenged every time I think I know. Now that we all have daughters and grandchildren I try to see which sister looks like their offspring. What did I learn from the visit? Lee told the story of how popular he felt when his train drove through Salt Lake City and he had all  j his beautiful sisters cheering and waving for him. He says it was never quite in his home. Most of the fights were over clothes. The sisters were always borrowing each others things. Because of my love of family history, next week some of the grandchildren will be able to do temple baptism for Aagots family. This information was received by my doing the descendancy lists, I am so happy that I have the opportunity to help my family be together forever.