Saturday, May 26, 2012

Chez Vous

During our time here in Geneva, we live pretty much the way we live in the states,,,at least as far as eating out goes. We prepare a large, healthy meal at lunch and then eat whatever at the Institute--thus the added kilos!. As each of our fellow travelers know, it is hard to pack a lunch many days without repeating tuna and pb and j after a while.  We have enjoyed our visitors... and just to let YOU all know we Do have a few spots open before we return,,but you need to book it now as we are starting to pack up..Really!!, Many of our good friends here go to the states for a month or two in the summer with empty suitcases and return with their years-supply of needs. Our winter stuff leaves in a few days,hopefully to be retrieved in Park City at the end of the summer. As I have pondered during this packing, selecting those things that we will not need until winter, I have sad and happy thoughts. The sad thoughts of probably never seeing our good friends here in Europe. And of course, a happy thoughts of sharing our love with so many of you that we have dearly missed.  In a small way, it is like one BIG vacation. trying and seeing new things all the time. Even when Debdy and Claudia came to visit, we saw many new things. We were lucky to be treated to Chez Vous, a real french restaurant, soooo french that even when I understood Poisson Blanc (white fish) we didnt really know what to expect when the food arrived. The salads came together, the salade de jour had a square pale block in the center. After the salads came a large bowl with broccoli, pasta and 4 large, black  mushroomy looking things. Then a very large, about the size of my  hand (minus my thumb) chocolate cake, dribbled in a caramel,two tone chocolate sauce with three flowerettes of orange and kiwi, It tasted as good as it sounds.  After our meal I, again asked our waiter/owner to describe the special and sure enough the large square in the middle of the salad was the white fish and the big black things were boeuf (beet).Too bad we ate it all and I have no photo. Oh well, dream on.BTW, our waiter looks just like the guy in Ratatouille,enough to make one laugh when talking to him .  I dont have time for any more writing today, as we have our ward party at the Mission home this evening. Our mission home in Geneva is no longer, For 50 years it has faithfully served this mission,nestled in a wealthy part of Chambesy,over looking Lake Geneva.  Now the mission home is in Lyon. France. We have never been there, so I guess it is time for another adventure.I have included a photo of the Geneva l Ward party to show  a few of our friends there. Enjoy the holiday weekend,,here we have off to celebrate Penacost 

Love and missing all, MOM< Pat, Soeur

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