Sunday, September 25, 2011

three baptismes and a Boat trip on the Lac

Not a movie, but just as exciting, This weekend one of our YSA got baptised. First, at 8;30 a sister wanted to get baptised in the lac (this was a private one,we met her but didnt go) second at 14h Alexandra from Chad, and then at 18h Joel, a refuge (also from Africa) Alexandras family is very successful,educated family from Grenoble, She is interning here to be an avocat (lawyer) and her family didnt approve for many months, So we were happy to have this great day and meet her family. Her mother made a tuna meat loaf that I loved and got the recipe for! But, after I had a great big stomach ache (I think it was the teramasu one of the Elders made) We. also met with Frere Simonnet and found out that we will be teaching New Testament in Institute, so, I started thinking about the next show ,< Savior of the World>, (anyone seen a production and have a CD, or DVD??) It was a busy missionary week,but,.............. we did get 1/2 a P day with the Todds and took a boat from Nyon to Yvoire. We had explored both of these villes before so we went out into the edge of Yvoire and found an old cemetery with ruins from the stone age and Roman dwellings from 1 AD and then various times since Christ with different markings, This was hidden in between walnut trees and cornfields,and sunflowers, all ready for harvest.
We look forward to harvesting and Conference generale, we enjoyed hearing Dallin H Oaks CES talk about tolerance and truth and highly recommend it.

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